This page contains descriptions to the icons posted on the home page.
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 | Thanks to the immensely popular Microsoft Windows series, Microsoft Internet Explorer is the most widely used web browser on the planet today. It's free. The latest stable version is 6.0 Service Pack 1. You can always follow the link to download the latest stable version. |
 | Netscape 7 is a standards-compliant browser that incorporates Mozilla as the internal browser engine. The latest version is 7.1 and it's free as well. You can look at a list of features and download Netscape 7 by clicking on this icon. |
 | This web site is constructed and tested on a personal web server powered by Debian Linux 3.0 (Woody). It allows me to test the CGI scripts written offline in an environment resembling the remote server serving this web site. |
 | Opera is probably the fastest browser on Earth. Startup time as well as page loading time is shorter than other browsers. The free version contains compulsory banners and can only be removed by paying the licence fee. It supports Multiple Document Interface (MDI), therefore all the browser windows are contained within the master browser window which reduces the clutter of windows on your desktop. Click on this icon to download Opera 7. |
 | The graphical desktop environment on Linux that I like most. Internationalization support is nearly perfect and the user interface is very user friendly. In particular, the Konqueror web browser version 2 or above, as shipped with KDE2 and above, are supported by this web site. The latest version is 3.1. |
 | One of the most versatile and powerful text editors I have ever seen. Version 6 presents a great leap forward from previous versions. Although the graphical user interface is rather limited, and has a rather steep learning curve, it is free but very professional with syntax highlighting profiles for almost any kinds of text files. I edit the HTML pages on this web site with this editor. |
 | First Page (previously 1st Page 2000) is one of the best freeware HTML editors. It offers many features that were once available only on other expensive HTML editors. The new beta version v.3 would be available some time later. This homepage was maintained by this HTML editor before the whole development platform was migrated to Linux. |
 | offers an awesome URL redirection service which provides webmasters a shorter web address for their websites. Unlike similar services which impose compulsory advertising, this service is ad-free and comes with a lot of features. |
 | I have worked hard to ensure that the XHTML 1.0 standard recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium is conformed to the largest extent possible. All pages are uploaded to the validator for checking before being posted. At the bottom of each page you will find a "Validate This Page" link that you can use to check the markup validity of the page concerned. |
 | I have worked hard to ensure that this web site is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) compliant to the maximum extent. Therefore, in order to view this web site properly, CSS must be enabled in your browser. |